Note: The following links are for information purposes only. Content, opinions and advice contained in the sites are not necessarily those of PNNMP.
Historic Preservation Resources
American Institute for Conservation: AIC is the national membership organization supporting conservation professionals in preserving cultural heritage by establishing and upholding professional standards, promoting research and publications, providing educational opportunities, and fostering the exchange of knowledge among conservators, allied professionals, and the public. The website includes guides to caring for a range of objects and a search tool for locating a specialist conservator.
Association for Preservation Technology International: APT is a cross – disciplinary membership organization with a mission to advance the application of traditional and contemporary technology appropriate to conservation of the built environment and the cultural resources that contribute to its significance.
Library of Congress: The Library of Congress has a nifty set of free downloadable bookmarks with information on how best to preserve books, photographs, papers, digital files, family heirlooms, things that have suffered water damage, works of art, and audio/visual recordings. Click on “Library of Congress” heading.
The Menokin Foundation: The mission of the Menokin Foundation is to preserve and interpret the home and life of patriot Francis Lightfoot Lee, as a focus for better understanding the fields of history, architecture, archaeology, ecology and other areas of the humanities, by developing innovative scholarship and new practices in conservation.
National Park Service, Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties:The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties are common sense historic preservation principles in non-technical language. They promote historic preservation best practices that will help to protect the nation’s irreplaceable cultural resources.
National Park Service Preservation Tech Notes: A compendium of documents providing practical information on traditional practices and innovative techniques for successfully maintaining and preserving cultural resources.
The Northern Neck of Virginia Historical Society: The mission of NNVHS is to collect, preserve, and disseminate information and material of every nature relating to the history, antiquities, and literature of the Counties of Northumberland, Lancaster, Westmoreland, Stafford, Richmond, and King George. Among other activities, NNVHS has established the annual John Paul Hanbury Award, recognizing outstanding restoration, rehabilitation or renovation of properties of architectural and/or historical interest in the six counties of Virginia’s historic Northern Neck.
Preservation Trades Network: PTN provides education, networking and outreach for the traditional building trades. PTN was established on the principle that conservation of the built environment is fundamentally dependent on the work of skilled people in all of the traditional building trades who preserve, maintain and restore historic buildings, and build architectural heritage for the future. Membership in PTN is open to all.
Virginia Conservation Association: The Virginia Conservation Association (VCA) promotes the care and preservation of cultural materials. The VCA offers education and training for those involved in conservation and collections care and provides a forum for discussion of pertinent issues and new developments in the field. VCA membership is open to anyone interested in the conservation and preservation of art and historic artifacts. The website includes a directory of conservators working in Virginia.
Virginia Department of Historic Resources: The mission of DHR is to foster, encourage, and support the stewardship of Virginia’s significant historic architectural, archaeological, and cultural resources. Among its responsibilities, DHR administer’s Virginia’s programs for Rehabilitation Tax Credits, Historic Preservation Easements, the Virginia Landmarks Register and the National Register of Historic Places.