Preservation Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula (PNNMP) was formed in 2012 as an independent charitable organization when Preservation Virginia decided to no longer have separate branches. PNNMP is actively concerned with preserving and protecting the rich historic and cultural heritage of the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula, focusing in particular on Lancaster, Northumberland, Westmoreland, Richmond, King George, and Essex counties. It sponsors regular members’ programs such as a summer speakers series followed by a sociable pot luck supper and tours of historic houses and other historic sites in the area and produces a periodic newsletter. In keeping with its core mission, PNNMP makes grants and undertakes direct projects for historic preservation in the region.  It has also published a landmark guide to historic homes and other important sites.

Become a Member!

Preservation Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula is a non-profit membership organization formed to share, enjoy, and learn, and to preserve and protect this important heritage.  We are open to all and sponsor a program of grants and projects in the region as well as fun and interesting events for members.

It is governed by a Board of Directors drawn from the membership, consisting of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.  Board of Directors meetings, which are open to all members, are held on the third Thursday of the month at 10:30 AM at Wellford Hall, St. John’s Church, in Warsaw.   Our membership includes history preservation buffs from Virginia and beyond — you’re welcome to join us!

Our Current Directors and Officers:

Becky Marks, President
Walter (Petie) Norris, Vice President
Courtenay Altaffer, Secretary
Vikki Ravinskas, Treasurer
David Butt, Director
Mark Di Rienz, Director
Sandy Garretson, Director
Stephen Helal, Director
Sarah Gayle Randolph, Director
Al Withers, Director
Carey Howlett, Past President
Marsha Sitnik, Past President
Ed White, Past President